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Responsible investment
Sustainable investment, responsible investment or ESG investment: what’s the best term to use? Today, we are talking about 'responsible investment': investment that explicitly acknowledges the importance of he environment, social issues and good governance. We also follow new European regulations that reserve the term 'sustainable' for a specific number of activities and products.
What is responsible investment?
Responsible investment funds invest in companies and countries which that embrace the ESG themes of Environment, Social and Governance.
This specific focus does not mean that you have to compromise on your returns. Research shows that social and financial returns can go hand in hand: funds that invest responsibly provide similar long-term returns to traditional funds.
Finally, responsible investment means you have an impact on the business world. KBC you enter into a dialogue with the companies in which you invest and help to determine their course through the exercise of voting rights at general meetings.
Entity-level information
Principal adverse sustainability impact statement
Statement on sustainability risks and adverse impacts on sustainability
Investment Policy for Responsible Investing Funds
Exclusion Policy for Responsible Investing Funds
Общи политики за изключване на конвенционални фондове и фондове за отговорно инвестиране
Information about Remuneration Policy on sustainability
Overview of ESG Carbon intensity Sustainability targets
Engagement Policy: 2023 Implementation Report. "KBC Asset Management NV - Branch Bulgaria
KBC AM NV Proxy voting and engagement policy
Product-level information
Domestic line
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